Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Earn with ptc site

PTC ( Paid To Click)
Is on of the best way to earn fro the internet. they pay u 0.005 to 0.01 $ per click and 50% of ur downline or reff earning but you have to click min 4 ads a days. the ammount they offer is small but if u can get 100 reff of ur own thats would increase ur earning in no time.
For example u have 100 reff
ur click a day 4 ads = $ 0.04 a days
ur reff click a days 4 ads * 100 = 400 ads * 0.005 = $ 2 a days
so your earning is $ 2.04  a days not to bad right. u got more then $ 50  in a month.
there are so many ptc site out there but i only recommended two site neobux and onbux because it was the most stable and fast payment they have.
careful to choose ptc site cause many of them are just scam and you only waste your time to click for them. from this two i got $ 9 from neo and $ 13 from onbux.
just click the word neobux and onbux to registered its free.