Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

3 euro each month with linkstoxx

Hello People

I have some tips how to increase your point and earning on linkstoxx.
  1. All you have to do is, login every day to increase your Bonus Fidélité point.
  2. Add as many as you can friend, beside increase your point its also increase change for you to promote your product
  3. Confirm each friend request you have
  4. Join group to increase your knowledge
  5. Refer your friend to increase your point and earning
  6. click add it the top of the site, you can click two banners a day and your earning will increase 0.10 euro by clicking that two banner. so if you do it right your minimum earning will be 3 euro a month from clicking banner plus your earning from point above is not been calculated yet...hehehehe
for you who don't understand french, you better open the site on google chrome, so the page will be translate to english. join my group for more tips!!!
Its not to bad right so join now

2 komentar:

  1. Thanks for the info. I joined in this site and left due to language problem. I would work out with it.

  2. Ur welcome viji,,,,i hope its help :)
